Houston, oval medallion, in Cherokee dress. Samuel "Sam" Houston (March 2, 1793 - July 26, 1863) was an American statesman, politician, and soldier. He is best known for his leadership in bringing Texas into the United States. His earlier life included migration to Tennessee from Virginia, time spent with the Cherokee Nation, military service in the War of 1812, and successful participation in Tennessee politics. In 1827, he was elected Governor of Tennessee as a Jacksonian, but resigned in 1829 and relocated to Arkansas Territory. In 1832, he was involved in an altercation with a U.S. Congressman, followed by a high-profile trial. He was elected as the first and third President of the Republic of Texas, U.S. Senator for Texas after it joined the United States, and finally as a governor of the state. He refused to swear loyalty to the Confederacy when Texas seceded from the Union in 1861 with the outbreak of the American Civil War, and was removed from office. To avoid bloodshed, he refused an offer of a Union army to put down the Confederate rebellion. Instead, he retired to Huntsville, Texas. His health deteriorated in early 1863 due to a persistent cough, that developed into pneumonia. He succumbed to the illness and died at the age of 70.

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