Merry making on the regents birth day, 1812. Print shows George, the Prince Regent, dancing and drinking at a lavish party with the wife of a man who sits with a dejected look on his face and holding a sheet of paper Order of the day which lists Breakfast - 2 to be HUNG at Newgate with lunch, dinner and tea schedules followed by Supper - German fling, d penny sausage with bread, cheese & kisses &c &c, Dancing all night and with his feet resting on sheet music titled The black joke while behind him stand two demon-like figures playing French horns, alluding to his present cuckold condition. Through an opening in the palace is a view of a gallows and poor persons seeking relief. Date 1812 August. Merry making on the regents birth day, 1812. Print shows George, the Prince Regent, dancing and drinking at a lavish party with the wife of a man who sits with a dejected look on his face and holding a sheet of paper Order of the day which lists Breakfast - 2 to be HUNG at Newgate with lunch, dinner and tea schedules followed by Supper - German fling, d penny sausage with bread, cheese & kisses &c &c, Dancing all night and with his feet resting on sheet music titled The black joke while behind him stand two demon-like figures playing French horns, alluding to his present cuckold condition. Through an opening in the palace is a view of a gallows and poor persons seeking relief. Date 1812 August.

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