The Papyrus of Ani showing Osiris-Seker (left) standing in a shrine in mummified form. The name Osiris-Seker represents the fusion of Seker, the God of Death, with Osiris, the God of Resurrection. The Papyrus of Ani ends with the tomb of Ani, the white building with the pyramidal top, located at the foot of the mountain of Amenta, at Thebes. Emerging from the mountain's slope into a papyrus thicket is the head of Hathor in the form of the Divine Cow. This goddess, Mistress of the Necropolis, who welcomes the arrivals of the deceased to the underworld, is also associated with the protection of women. Standing before a lavish presentation of luxuriant offerings is another manifestation of Hathor, known as Tawaret. She has the head and body of a hippopotamus, the legs of a lioness and the tail of a crocodile. From the Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Ani.

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