499824 Temple Relief of a Deity, 360-246 BC (limestone) by Egyptian School; 47.3x41 cm; Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, USA; (add.info.: Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, Late Dynasty30 to early Ptolemaic Dynasty The almond.shaped eye, snub nose, full cheeks, smiling mouth, and ball.shaped chin are characteristic of Dynasty 30 and the early Ptolemaic Dynasty, when a bolder, fleshier, more three-dimensional style of modeling was introduced. A favorite form of temple decoration during this period was a row of seated deities. This figure was the last in a row of gods facing right, for directly behind him is a dividing line and the slight remains of the vulture headdress, wig, and shoulder of a seated goddess, evidently the last in a row facing the opposite direction. At either end of the complete scene was probably a standing figure of the king presenting offerings. ); John L. Severance Fund; Egyptian, out of copyright.

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