Presentation to the Highgate Rifle Corps of a silver bugle by Miss Burdet Coutts, at Holly Lodge, Highgate, 1860. The company having taken their seats, the battalion marched up in column, and, on arriving within a short distance of the presentation tent,...formed into line...the band of the North Middlesex Rifles stationed in the rear playing "Rule Britannia." Miss Burdett Coutts then came forward to the front of the platform, to present the bugle, amidst the enthusiastic cheering of the vast concourse of persons assembled, and addressed the volunteers...: "The ladies of Highgate have honoured me by the request that I should...[express] those sentiments of gratitude and respect which the farsighted and sensitive patriotism of the volunteer movement calls forth amongst the whole body of your countrywomen. It has allayed those fears, excited by repeated warnings, of the unprotected state of the country in the event of a general European war...we see to-day...a force, whose services no gold could purchase, willing and able to stand side by side with trained and disciplined troops"...The handsome silver bugle was then presented to Captain Wilkinson. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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