Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Naples, 1860. Italians in regional costume. ...our Artist has made a picturesque grouping of some of the inhabitants of the kingdom of Naples. The profound melancholy of the entire group, notwithstanding the pipings of the sampognaro, offers a marked contrast to the outbursts of frantic joy with which, according to all accounts, the Neapolitans everywhere welcome their deliverer Garibaldi. The woman standing in the middle in such a listless attitude, with the tambourine by her side, is a native of Sorrento. To her left is a sampognaro (piper) of the Abruzzi; and at his back is seated a woman of Caraffa. At the opposite side of the picture a woman of Potenza is seated; and by her side is a young fisherman of Naples. The man in the background is a peasant of Calabria; and the woman carrying a child is a native of Viggiano. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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