Impressions de voyage d'un grand po?te, 1842. Travel impressions of a great poet. Une des curiosit?s de Francfort qui disparaitra bient?t j'en ai peur, c'est la boucherie, il est impossible de voir un plus splendide amas de chair fraiche. Les bouchers sanglants et les bouch?res rose causent avect grace sous des guirlandes de gigots. Un ruisseau rouge dont deux fontaines jaillissantes modifient ? peine la couleur, coule, et fume au milieu de la rue! (Le Rhin par Victor Hugo). One of the curiosities of Frankfurt which will soon disappear, I fear, is the butcher's shop; it is impossible to see a more splendid pile of fresh flesh. The bloody butchers and the pink butcheresses chat gracefully under garlands of legs of lamb. A red stream, of which two gushing fountains barely changing colour, flows and steams in the middle of the street! ('The Rhine' by Victor Hugo). Hugo published a travel guide in 1842 which included stories about the Rhine river). From Actualit?s.

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