The Queens Hotel, Hastings, 1862. This fine hotel, which has been some three or four years building, is now complete and in course of being finished. It stands, it will be seen, with its principal front on the parade, while the side front, on a different level and of a.different elevation, looks on a wide opening from the sea inland. Under the archway, in the centre of the side front, is the carriage-entrance, where visitors may alight under cover. Another grand entrance is the porch in the principal front; while families resident in the hotel who desire privacy can use a fine staircase and separate entrance on the other side, not seen in the View [ie the engraving]. The two large windows in the front of the View are respectively the family and gentlemens coffee-rooms, one above the other. The third window-light is that of part of a suite, fitted with white and gold, for wedding parties and others who may desire something more elegant than usual. These command a splendid view both by sea and land. The campanile will have some attraction for smokers in calm weather. Altogether the hotel must be a most valuable acquisition to the town, and will, we trust, be well appreciated by its aristocratic visitors. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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