Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). The body has three parts; the head with one of the two compound eyes visible (yellow/green), with 760 ommatidia in this species; the thorax with a pair of wings and six legs (three visible); and the abdomen to right, showing clear segmentation. D. melanogaster is a model organism for genetic research due to its short life cycle and comparatively simple genetic makeup, with only four pairs of chromosomes. Its first use in genetic studies was by T. H. Morgan, in 1910. The genome was fully sequenced in 2000. Many mutant varieties are known with differing eye and body colours; the fly in this picture is Oregon R: the colours are false. In nature, the fly feeds on rotting fruit and can spoil beer and wine, giving rise to a second common name, the vinegar fly. Magnification: x34 at 10x8.

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