Marble Herm of the God Priapus. Priapus, in Greek religion, was a god of both animal and vegetable fertility whose Asian cult originally started in the Hellespontine regions, centred especially on Lampsacus. He was usually represented in a caricature of the human form, grotesquely misshapen, with an enormous phallus, now lost from this sculpture. In Greek mythology his father was Dionysus, the wine god; his mother was either a local nymph or Aphrodite, the goddess of love. In Hellenistic times Priapus worship spread throughout the ancient world. Sophisticated urban society tended to regard him with ribald amusement, but in the country he was adopted as a god of gardens, his statue serving as a combined scarecrow and guardian deity. He was also the patron of seafarers and fishermen and of others in need of good luck; his presence was thought to avert the evil eye. 1st c. BC.

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