The Prince of Wales in Egypt: the Royal Party leaving the Hall of Columns, Karnak, on their return to Luxor, 1862. The future King Edward VII in Africa. ...horses having been provided, the Royal party, attended by a numerous guard, visited Karnak, remaining there a whole day. After strolling about the ruins, the Prince gave directions for Divine service to be held at eleven a.m, in the Hall of Columns. The Rev. Canon Stanley officiated, and, after prayers, delivered a most appropriate and highly-interesting sermon...Some English travellers who happened to be on the spot were invited to attend the meeting. At two p.m. a sumptuous lunch was in readiness, having been prepared on board the steamer and brought up to the temple in charge of M. le chef de cuisine and his satellites. The remainder of the day was occupied in examining these splendid monuments of a past and almost unknown age. Our Engraving...shows the Royal party leaving the Hall of Columns, on their return to Luxor. In the foreground, riding on a splendid white donkey, is Fadel Pacha, Governor of Upper Egypt, who accompanied the expedition to every place within the limits of his jurisdiction, and was unremitting in his attentions. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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