The Prince of Wales in Egypt: ride of the Prince and suite to Edfou Temple, 1862. The future King Edward VII in Africa. Here the Prince remained for a day inspecting its magnificent temples, several fine views of which were taken by Mr. Bedford, photographer to his Royal Highness. Edfou is the Apollinopolis Magna of antiquity. The great temple was founded by Ptolemy Philometer (180-145 B.C.), and continued by other Kings of the line, the last-named being Alexander. We extract from Fairholts "Up the Nile" some particulars of the Great Temple at Edfou: "A short ten miles brings us to Edfou, and there is nothing to demand a stay till we reach the quay. The vast gate towers of the great temple have been before our eyes long ere we arrive there, and the high walls of the building tell of its size and importance as they shoot above the miserable town at their base. Nothing can be more striking than the grandeur and vastness of this noble building. It has been entirely freed, from interior to roof, of all obstructions, and the Arab huts that once covered its roof removed. The effect is magical, and the building only seems to want its priests and sacred utensils to realise its ancient glories as in Egypts palmy days". From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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