Mr. J. G. Crace, Superintendent of the decoration at the International Exhibition Building, 1862. Engraving from a photograph by J. and C. Watkins, of ...Mr. John Gregory Crace, under whose direction the decoration of the building has been carried out...Amongst the most important decorative works in which Mr. John Gregory Crace has himself been engaged are those for the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth, Lismore, Chiswick, and Devonshire House; and for the Marquis of Breadalbane at Taymouth. He was specially selected by Sir Charles Barry to carry out the decorations of the Houses of Parliament, and to him was committed the decoration of the Art-Treasures Exhibition Building at Manchester. Mr. Crace was engaged at the time of the lamented death of the Prince Consort in carrying out, under his Royal Highnesss immediate direction, the decoration of the Waterloo Chamber at Windsor Castle; probably the last work of art in which his Royal Highness took a personal interest. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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