The International Exhibition: emerald and diamond brooch exhibited by Mr. Harry Emanuel, 1862. ...a brooch formed of a very large emerald, said to be singularly free from flaws and mounted on a ribbon formed of large brilliants, having also, as a pendant, a very large but uneven pearl of a drop shape, two inches in length, of fair colour, but somewhat wanting in orient tint and brilliancy. The emerald weighs one hundred and sixty carats, and the price set upon this jewel by Mr. Emanuel is the very large sum of ?10,000...We may here state that Mr. Emanuel, in common with the other exhibitors of English jewellery, has shown a marked improvement in taste and workmanship, and that their jewels will bear comparison - if indeed they do not surpass - the best examples exhibited by foreigners. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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