The new cancer hospital at Brompton, [London], 1862. Some twelve years back Dr. Marsden determined to establish a hospital for the treatment of cancer...Generous diet, medical skill, and unceasing kindness to the patients have mitigated the sufferings and arrested the progress of this complaint, while intelligent observation of the disease in all its stages has enabled the medical staff to obtain such a mass of information that there is every reason to believe that cancer, hitherto considered incurable, will shortly be so well understood that, like most other diseases, it will become subject to control by the intelligent application of medical skill...The arrangements of the buildings have been successfully planned and carried out by the contractors, Messrs. Lawrence and Sons, of Pitfield Wharf, under the superintendence of the architects, Messrs. Young and Son, of King-street, Cheapside. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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