The Vendace of Loch Maben, 1862. ...the far as we know, is only found in the lochs in the neighbourhood of Loch Maben, in Dumfriessshire. The history of this mysterious fish is, that it was introduced into these lochs by Mary Queen of Scotland from one of the Continental fish-preserves. Some of the people call the vendace a fresh-water herring, and in general appearance there is a wonderful resemblance, so far as the mere figure is concerned...They spawn about the commencement of November, and at that period gather themselves into shoals, and frequently rise to the surface of the water, quite after the manner of the common herring, making at the same time a similar poppling noise by their rise and fall. The vendace is a remarkably tender fish, very productive, and very shy in its habits, requiring to be caught with a net, and when once taken from the water its death is certain, even if immediately restored. This fish is known by naturalists to be so tender that it could not bear transportation even the length of a few miles: it must, therefore, have been originally introduced into Loch Maben by means of the spawn. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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