The International Exhibition: "Fishermans Hut in Lapland", by J. F. Hockert, 1862. all probability this fisherman and his pretty wife are only Swedish settlers in Lapland...Besides the physical superiority of this young couple, there are the conical headdress, the bag, worsted balls, and various articles of the chatelaine or "housewife" hanging from the girdle of the woman, and other points of detail which will be identified as Swedish. The reindeer dog is, of course, common in all these high latitudes...our poor fisherman seems to be contented enough with his pipe, his net-making, his young wife, and his baby: our lady readers will say we ought to have put the last first. As for the pretty mother, with her infant in its birch-bark cradle, swathed like an Italian bambino, with her foot on the hassock to get purchase for swinging it to sleep, we have seldom seen maternal felicity more happily expressed. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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