The International Exhibition: a scene near the Eastern Dome on the closing day, 1862. Whether from accident or with a design to draw off some of the human pressure from the western portion of the building, some little time before four oclock, the hour appointed for the closing, a large number of persons were attracted towards the eastern dome by the appearance of Messrs. Distins band, which took up a position beneath Foster and Andrews large organ, which stood in the north-eastern transept close to the steps leading to the platform of the dome. The strains of "God Save the Queen" which proceeded from the organ and the band led to a natural belief that the scant ceremonial had begun in the eastern instead of the western end of the building, and numbers of persons who were thus mistaken were happily preserved from much uncomfortable pressure at the right end and enjoyed a musical performance of their own which was nearly if not quite as good as that of the better informed who were packed about the western dome. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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