Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Denmark: concert at Christiansborg Palace at Copenhagen, 1864. The future King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra ...were present at a grand entertainment given [in their honour] by the King of Denmark [father of the Princess of Wales] at the Christiansborg Palace to the officers of the Burgher Guard, the volunteers, and the principal officers of the British Royal squadron. Prince Wilhelm, father of the Queen of Denmark, and the members of the Danish Royal family were present, with their respective suites...All the officers were in full uniform...As the Royal party occupied front seats, and the Sketch from which this Engraving is made was taken by our Artist at the lower end of the room, it shows only the backs of their heads beyond the large assembly of ladies who filled the intervening benches. The Prince and Princess sit in the middle; the King is on the right hand of the Princess; the Queen is on the left hand of the Prince. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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