The Loan Collection, South-Kensington, 1862. Small silver flask...ornamented in repouss?, with strapwork and flowers...a crest of a griffins head in the centre, on fluted stem and gadrooned foot, circa 1560-70. W. Maskell, Esq. Coffret, in gilt metal, richly adorned with applique ornaments in silver-gilt, and with cabochon jewels. French work, circa 1850 (?). Messrs. Farrer. A silver-gilt spoon, worked in low relief, and with enamelled grounds...The ornaments are scrolls. The back is similarly ornamented...[with] a crescent, moon, stars...The handle is ornamented with stars on purple and green stripes. The handles terminate in a flower. 15th century. Lord Londesborough. Small silver-gilt reliquary of cylindrical shape, surmounted by a conical spire. The receptacle is a tube of rock crystal, mounted with base and cap in silver-gilt. At the summit is a small crucifix. The base is ornamented with tasteful foliated ornaments, Gothic mouldings, &c. Date, first half of the 15th century. The Hon. R. Curzon, jun. Double-bulbed cup of miniature dimensions. The margins and stems are surrounded by elegant crowns of Gothic foliage. Augsburg work, circa 1490. The Duke of Hamilton. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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