Royal Academy Prize Drawing: "A Provincial Townhall and Market-place", by Thomas Henry Watson, 1864. This prize, open to all students in architecture, is adjudged for work done in the schools of the Academy during a period of five weeks, which must consist of an original design, illustrated by three drawings, the subject being given by the council. This year "A Provincial Townhall and Market-house" was the subject selected, and we give the south-west perspective view of the successful design. The townhall, or great room, is in the front, extending over the corn-market, the townhall proper containing the various borough offices in the centre of the south front, and towards the east the borough police-station and the court of justice. The general markets extend northward, surrounded by shops for flowers, fruit, &c. The great hall for public meetings or elections opens along one side, the platform at the end forming an orchestra. Mr. Thos. Henry Watson, M.R.I.B,A...obtained three silver medals in architecture in the year 1860, the gold medal for the best architectural design in 1861, and has now obtained the travelling studentship. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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