Poa trivialis - Poa pratensis; 1. Gemeines Rispengras; Poa trivialis; 2. Wiesen-Rispengras; Poa pratensis; (alte Namen) -- Familie Sgras (Poaceae); 1. Gew鰄nliches Rispengras; Poa trivialis L. s. l.; 2. Gew鰄nliches Wiesen-Rispengras; Poa pratensis L. s. str.; Poa trivialis; L.; Das Gew鰄nliche Rispengras; Poa trivialis; ist ein Vertreter der Rispengr鋝er; Poa; dessen nat黵liches Verbreitungsgebiet sich von Westeuropa bis Japan erstreckt.; gemeines Rispengras; waldbewohnendes Rispengras; other Syn.; Poa attica Boiss. & Heldr.; Poa sylvicola Guss. (Poa trivialis subsp. sylvicola); Die Rispengr鋝er; Poa; sind eine Gattung der Familie der Sgr鋝er; die etwa 200 Arten umfasst. --; 2. Poa pratensis; L.; Das Wiesen-Rispengras; Poa pratensis; ist eines der am weitesten verbreiteten; am h鋟figsten f黵 Rasen; Weiden ges鋞en Sgr鋝er; Poaceae; Europas.; 2. schmalbl鋞triges Rispengras; Wiesenrispengras; 2. Synonyme Poa alpigena (Blytt) Lindm. (Poa pratensis subsp. alpigena); Poa angustifolia L. (Poa pratensis subsp. angustifolia); Poa trivialis - Poa pratensis - old Names; Family Poaceae; 1. Poa trivialis L. s. l.; 2. Poa pratensis L. s. str.; 1. also rough bluegrass; rough meadow grass; rough-stalk bluegrass; rough-stalk meadow grass; 2. English meadow grass; Kentucky bluegrass; Kentucky bluegrass; narrow-leaf meadow grass; smooth meadow grass; 1. Poa trivialis; Rough bluegrass; UK Rough-stalked meadow-grass; is a perennial plant; and is regarded in the USA as an ornamental plant and is of the Poa family.; other Syn.; Poa attica Boiss. & Heldr.; Poa sylvicola Guss. (Poa trivialis subsp. sylvicola); Poa; genus of about 500 species of grasses; native to the temperate regions of both hemispheres. Common names include meadow-grass; mainly Europe and Asia; bluegrass; mainly North America; tussock; some New Zealand species; and speargrass. Poa is Greek for fodder. Poa are members of the Pooideae subfamily of the Poaceae family.; 2. Poa pratensis; commonly known as Kentu

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