Grimoires - the Planetary Hours. In the grimoire literature the planetary hours are sometimes called Ascendants. This diagram from Fludd's 'Ultriusque Cosmi Historia' of 1617 is designed for one to determine which planet rule any given hour of the day or night. - In the study of The Occult, one's interest will lead to the practical application of the Ceremony, and Ritual of Magick. The power of Words and Ritual is expressed in, what is known as, The Grimoire. Whether by design or happenstance, The Grimoire is the written legacy of the Magician. It contains the symbols, protocol and invocations of the Priest, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Healer or Witch. The Sacred texts are made up of the petitions to God(s), Spirit(s), and properties of and powers of plants, animals, and metals, etc. The Grimoire is the written gateway from the mundane to the supernatural. It contains the methodology of Manifestation --that which we know as Magic. - ?TopFoto / Fortean

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