Commodore Bisset to retire. When the 'Queen Elizabeth' docked at Southampton today (Thursday) . After her fastest ever crossing of the Atlantic, Commodore Sir James Bisset, the captain, said they had been ordered on leave. But the Cunard Company and did not doubt that that meant retirement. Sir James is reported to have stated 'I don't want to retire, particularly when I am fit enough to carry on, but the company has been kind to me for 40 years, and we have all of us know that 63 is the retiring age. I shall miss the sea, my friends on board and in New York. It is the policy of the Company never tell you that you have retired until you actually finish. I am now going to look for a house by the sea, probably in Sussex. Picture shows, Lady Bisset was at Southampton degree. Her husband, today. The issues with Sir James on the bridge of the 'Queen Elizabeth'. 9 January 1947

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