The much discussed Upper House : A sitting of the House of Lords. In certain circles the cry for the abolition of the House of Lords persists, and grows more and more revolutionary, though what body of men the agitators propose to place in the seats vacated by the " dreadful " Dukes and other wearers of coronets is not clear. No sooner had Mr Lloyd George's Budget passed it's third reading , and thus left the House of Commons in the form which it would reach the House of Lords, than it was stated that the Upper House had decided to reject it on the ground that the principles of the Bill ought to receive the sanction of the electors. Lord Crewe is seen addressing the other Peers in the chamber of the House of Lords during the Budget debate. Some of the Lords attending ; right, front to back on the front bench ; Lord Londonderry , Lord St Aldwyn, Lord Lansdowne , Lord Alverstone, Lord Salisbury , Lord Ashbourne and Lord Cawdor . 1909

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