Louis-Auguste BLANQUI (1805 - 1881) revolutionary; activist and French politician; considered one of the leading exponents of utopian socialism; oriented communist tendencies. It is one of the founders of the Amis du peuple (1831); de la Société des droits de l'homme (1833) and later de la Société des familles. With its Société des saisons participated; in May of 1839; an insurgency for which he was sentenced to death; the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment; from which however was pardoned in 1847. In 1848 he attempted a new coup against King Louis Philippe. He joined with Armand Barbès to républicaine Société; but was arrested again and deported to Africa; he returned to France with the amnesty of 1859 to be arrested again in 1861. He went into exile in Belgium where he founded the periodical "Candide" and "La patrie en danger". Returning to France in 1870; after the fall of Napoleon III and the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War; he walked for a few days a provisional government. Member of the Paris Commune; in 1872 the president Adolphe Thiers made him even arrest and sentence to life imprisonment. It was amnestied in 1879; old and sick; in his last two years he published the newspaper "Ni Dieu ni maître"; the title of which became the motto of some communist areas. Portrait of "The Trombinoscope" Léon-Charles Bienvenu; said Touchatout; (1835 -1910); a satirical periodical monographic n. 27; Paris; March 1872

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