Wenceslaus Hollar.An engraved map of London with the title in a square tablet at top right and a reference table with key to churches and other landmarks at bottom right. The map clearly shows the extent of the damage to the city caused by the great fire of 1666: the barren city wards in contrast with bird's eye views of surviving buildings just outside the city. Also by Hollar is the inset map at bottom left entitled A General Map of the Whole Citty of London; Westminster and all the Suburbs. Smaller in scale but more extensive in coverage; the inset map shows at a glance the extent of the damage caused by the fire; Engraving.[London]: sould by Iohn Overton at the White horse; in little Brittaine; next doore to little S. Bartholomew gate; 1666.From: Wenceslaus Hollar; A map or groundplot of the citty of London and the suburbes thereof that is to say all which is within the iurisdiction of the Lord Mayor or properlie calld't Londo: by which is exactly demonstrated the present condition thereof since the last sad accident of fire. The blanke space signifeing the burnt part & where the houses are exprest; those places yet standig.Maps Crace Port. 2.54London; British Library.

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