5052739 Seneschal Lane, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1932 (b/w photo) by Frowde, John James (1868-1946); Manx National Heritage (Isle of Man); (add.info.: On the back of this photograph John James Frowde writes, "See VI-6 for yard and entrance to huge cellar under 11 Seneschal Lane. St. Barnabas St. right and left - No. 11 Seneschal Lane left centre. House on left, beyond lamp, was High Bailiff Quirks until about 1843. Into St. Barnabas\' Square from Fort St. Left centre11 Seneschal Lane in profile. The cobbled Square is out of the view on right. On left, behind the lamp, the large house ("H. B. Quirk\'s") dated 1782. No. 11 Seneschal Lane (Crown St. in 1834 and earlier) colossal house -cellar under whole area.- see photo for entrance there is read " Ye big cellar in ye towne"?? Inventory of Govt. Stores in the Castles and Douglas and Ramsey Forts. [..?..] papers. 24.7.33 Girl (eye-case) gave no. of her home (house on right) as no. 16 St. Barnabas Square - Seneschal Lane number of course but wrong. There were only four houses in St. Barnabas Square. High Bailiff Quirk\'s was no.4 - behind the lamp. The next beyond, Spittal\'s tall house was no. 16 Seneschal Lane. The big house (left centre) has still 11 on the door, and the two houses to right were 13 and 15. It would be interesting to have some knowledge of the past history of no. 11 with its fine balustrade (hear-say) and the colossal cellar underneath; the entrance to which and yard form the subject of another photo. (There proved to be no fine balustrade. There may have been in its palmy days, but for many years it was a tenement house). See post card series and map showing course of passage under this house in the long tunnel from St. Barnabas\' Yard boundary to New Bond St. ending at Market Inn."); by Manx National Heritage .

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