Altar cross on standard; The object consists of a foot and a cross. These are cast; embossed and engraved in some places; and then gilded. The round base is placed on three legs; which have the shape of dragons; which have laid their heads on the ground between the claws of their front legs. They have two ears and eyes and keep their mouth shut. The neck is marked by a pearl edge; the onset of their torso by three cannelures. The round base is surrounded by a rib enclosed between two convex rings. The convex portion adjoining it is occupied by an edge of grunts and is also bounded at the top by a slightly convex ring. The concave section; which forms the transition to the trunk; is adorned with cannelure-like motifs and is closed off by a convex border; in which rhombus motifs are engraved with a small circular circle in the center thereof. The trunk is arranged by slanting lines in such a way that triangles are created; which are granulated alternately. The nodus is surrounded at the top and bottom by two protruding square profiled edges. The nodus consists of two convex articulated parts that are separated by a ring surrounded by rings. The letters GL are engraved on the recessed portion in Latin capitals. The square lower pin part of the cross is placed in the square opening by foot; trunk and nodus. The wood is placed in the mouth of a lion. This one has two eyes; a nose; whiskers and moons that end in a curl. The cross consists of branch sections with leaf buds. The cross arms are cut diagonally. Three holes were drilled in the ends of the arms to be able to apply the Christ figure. The top of the cross is broken off. The figure of Christ is missing.; anonymous; Maasstreek (possibly); c. 1150 - c. 1175; bronze (metal); gilding; h 22.5 cm h 11.9 cm x w 11.6 cm h 10.5 cm x d 7.4 cm x w 10.2 cm

px px dpi = cm x cm = MB





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