Victor Emmanuels entry into Naples: scene in the Piazza del Palazzo Reale, looking up the Toledo, 1860. ...on Wednesday, November 7...both King Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi entered Naples together...The streets...were festooned with flowers, and evergreens hung from window to window..."Viva Victor Emmanuel!" "Viva Garibaldi!" "Viva Italia Unita!" Such were the cries which rose, not from one, but from a united body of many thousands, who waved their hats and handkerchiefs and flags...I had an admirable view of the King and the Liberator face to face...The difference in the two expressions could not fail to strike the most insensible. I looked at Victor Emmanuels unvarying face and bold glance, and said - he is the R? Galantuomo; but I looked on Garibaldi, and felt all the moral grandeur of his character. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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