The International Exhibition: Group of porcelain articles by Sir James Duke and Nephews, 1862. ... a dessert service, together with a plateau in imitation of the Italian majolica ware...The plateau contains "The Worship of the Golden Calf," painted by Mr. George Eyre...The centrepiece consists of a rich base, on which rests a florid pedestal surrounded by three female figures and a tazza resting on the pedestal. The tazza and base are in porcelain and the pedestal and figures in Parian. The tazza is perforated and enriched with gold, magenta pencillings, and mauve bands; and also by medallions of fruit and flowers, and a floral border...The figures represent the attendants at the marriage festivity in the classic age, with the symbols of merriment; their girdles are gold, their coronets mauve and gold, and the drapery is bounded by a band of mauve bordered with gold. On the base of the corner-dishes rest three figures in a sitting posture - Peace, Industry, Commerce...The pedestals of the cream-bowls are surrounded by children birdnesting; and the other dishes are sustained by boys grouped with greyhounds. The whole of this service is very beautiful...the colours delicate and harmonious, and the enrichment chaste and subdued. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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