The Rajah of Kapoorthalla, Knight of the Order of the Star of India, 1864. The Rajah Randhir Singh, of Kapoorthalla, is one of the Princes of the Punjaub whom Sir John Lawrence, Governor-General of India, has rewarded above all his peers and fellow-countrymen for his loyal services to Queen Victoria in lending aid to suppress the mutiny and rebellion of 1857. At the grand durbar, or assembly, which took place at Lahore on the 17th of October...the Rajah was solemnly invested by Sir John Lawrence with the order of the Star of India, having already received from the Government of Lord Canning, we believe, some more substantial tokens of approval, including the grant of an estate valued at ?40,000 a year. It is agreed, however, that no man in all India has better deserved these favours at the hands of the English rulers of that vast empire; for it was he who, in the darkest days of its late trouble, when other native chieftains were hesitating or hostile, joined our cause with heart and soul, and, raising 2000 Sikhs as an auxiliary force, marched down to Oude, where he fought bravely during the campaign. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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