Arrivals for the Horse Show at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, [London], 1865. A magnificent pair of bay "Wimbushes" took the carriage-horse prize, beating Mr. Cotterills chestnuts, which had too heavy a break behind them over that deep tan. There were some remarkably clever ponies which gave the judges a world of trouble to weed, and a 13? hand pony, Mr. Bonners Wee Willie, which carried out its description as "boys hunter" by the style in which it jumped the hurdles, most deservedly received one of the special prizes in the extra class. Mr. George Holmes won with a very clever coach horse, and the trotting of the prize roan roadster Quicksilver, "from the pleasant town of Lynn," was loudly applauded. A wonderful American trotter was also driven round the ring in a match gig, amidst great cheering; and although the interesting Arab class of last year was wanting, there were a pair of Turkish Barbs with arched crests and not very peculiar action. Eleven judges acted in all, and it was so managed that they took different classes in trios. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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