Asteroid 951 Gaspra mosaic of two images taken by the Galileo spacecraft from a range of 3,300 miles on October 29, 1991. The resolution, about 54 meters/pixel, is the highest for the Gaspra encounter and is about three times better than that in the view released in November 1991. Gaspra is an irregular body with dimensions about 12 x 7.5 x 7 miles. The portion illuminated in this view is about 11 miles from lower left to upper right. The north pole is located at upper left; Gaspra rotates counterclockwise every 7 hours. A striking feature of Gaspra's surface is the abundance of small craters. More than 600 craters, 330-1650 feet in diameter are visible here. Gaspra's irregular shape suggests that the asteroid was derived from a larger body by nearly catastrophic collisions. Consistent with such a history is the prominence of groove-like linear features, believed to be related to fractures. These linear depressions, 325-1050 feet wide and 30 feet deep, are in two crossing groups with slightly different morphology, one group wider and more pitted than the other.

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