EditorialAmerican Anhinga Snake Bird, American Snakebird (Anhinga anhinga, Plotus anhinga), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 420 (vol. 6), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds of America: from d...
EditorialAmerican Anhinga Snake Bird, American Snakebird (Anhinga anhinga, Plotus anhinga), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 420 (vol. 6), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds of America: from d...
EditorialPlotus novae hollandiae, Print, Darter, The darters or snakebirds are mainly tropical waterbirds in the family Anhingidae having a single genus Anhinga. There are four living species, three of which are very common and widespread while the fourth is ra...
EditorialPlotus levaillantii, Print, Darter, The darters or snakebirds are mainly tropical waterbirds in the family Anhingidae having a single genus Anhinga. There are four living species, three of which are very common and widespread while the fourth is rarer ...
EditorialPlotus anhinga, Print, The anhinga, sometimes called snakebird, darter, American darter, or water turkey, is a water bird of the warmer parts of the Americas. The word anhinga comes from the Brazilian Tupi language and means devil bird or snake bird. T...
EditorialPlotus anhinga, Print, The anhinga, sometimes called snakebird, darter, American darter, or water turkey, is a water bird of the warmer parts of the Americas. The word anhinga comes from the Brazilian Tupi language and means devil bird or snake bird. T...
EditorialPlotus melanogaster, Print, The Oriental darter or Indian darter (Anhinga melanogaster) is a water bird of tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has a long and slender neck with a straight, pointed bill and, like the cormorant, it hunts for fish w...
EditorialPlotus anhinga, Print, The anhinga, sometimes called snakebird, darter, American darter, or water turkey, is a water bird of the warmer parts of the Americas. The word anhinga comes from the Brazilian Tupi language and means devil bird or snake bird. T...
EditorialPlotus anhinga, Print, The anhinga, sometimes called snakebird, darter, American darter, or water turkey, is a water bird of the warmer parts of the Americas. The word anhinga comes from the Brazilian Tupi language and means devil bird or snake bird. T...
EditorialPlotus levaillantii, Print, Darter, The darters or snakebirds are mainly tropical waterbirds in the family Anhingidae having a single genus Anhinga. There are four living species, three of which are very common and widespread while the fourth is rarer ...